вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

away britney i lyric run spear

Ah, well... Hello there.
I decided that it was time to write my first journal entry.
Since itapos;ll be my first one, i will just introduce myself and such

First off, I guess I should say something about myself.
A lot of my likes and such have already been listed, I managed to delete a lot of it though... So I got angry and didnapos;t take the time to come up with exactly everything again. Itapos;s still quite a lot, right?
So, since thatapos;s covered Iapos;ll tell you some more basic things.

My first name is Jonna. I wonapos;t tell you my last name.
I live in Sweden. I wonapos;t tell you exactly where in Sweden.
Oh, and just so you know. Iapos;m not tall and blond. Iapos;m short (I hate to admit that) and have red hair. Blue eyes is something I have though.
Iapos;ve recently turned 17 and I currently study art.
My parents are divorced and I live with my father.

I admire my friends for being able to hang out with me. It must be rather hard on them.
You see, Iapos;m a rather restless person at times.
I talk a lot and donapos;t like being still.
Add to that that I talk about things that no one else of my friends likes.
Video-games, how absolutely dreadful Daniel Craig is as James Bond, how I long for the new Star Trek movie and so on.
Iapos;m a bit of a movie nerd, but not all movies have come to Sweden, so there are probably a lot of movies that you have seen that I havenapos;t.

So, this journal will probably be abut stuff like that, as well as long boring ramblings.
Although, since I study art I might show off some creations of mine.
Also, since I like writing I might show off some off that stuff.

Youapos;ll just have to wait and see.

Oh, and about my current journal layout...
Iapos;ll probably find some custom home-made layout later. I canapos;t do one myself, so Iapos;ll search around.
This was the most fitting already existing.
It makes me thing about James Bond

Thatapos;s it for now.

away britney i lyric run spear, away britney i run, away britney i run spear.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

comunicating with the dead

So, I finally broke down and rented Season 1 of Buffy. Iapos;ve watched three episodes so far.

Some observations:
1. Iapos;m really really glad I didnapos;t wait any longer to watch them, because the clothes are outrageously out of style, in an amusing way. The cool fashion kids look like total geeks. High-water pants, chunky boots, stripes, and probably quite a few other things that somebody more fashion-savvy than me could point out. Funny Itapos;s occasionally enough to actually drive me out of the story, like Iapos;m watching old episodes of I Dream of Jeannie or something. Serves me right for waiting so long.
2. Did people really buy Sarah Michelle Gellar as being 16? She looks about the same soccer-momish (hockey-momish, if Iapos;m being au courant) age as the woman who plays her mother. There are shots of her where sheapos;s cute, but not 16 cute. More like 25 cute. I could buy her as a sophomore in college, but not a sophomore in high school. Willow and Xander seem high schoolish, but everybody else... No. I have to pretend theyapos;re in college in order to maintain any suspension of disbelief. Like the clothes, Iapos;m assuming that that evens out as the series goes on. The characters will get older, after all. (This not-16 situation reminds me of some of the flurry of criticism when Titanic came out. I read on a lot of message boards that people couldnapos;t buy Kate Winslett as 17. I thought Kate Winslett was fine for 17. Buffy?�Not so much.)
3. The very first face on the screen in Episode 1 is a gorgeous vampire named Darla -- played by none other than Rita, Dexter Morganapos;s girlfriend Darla got dusted in episode 1, so I donapos;t think sheapos;ll be back. I�canapos;t be sure, though, since the whole series is about undeadish things. Anyway, it always tickles me when I spot an actor Iapos;m familiar with in a bit part on an older show. It reminds me that breaking into acting and breaking into fiction are really similar.
4. Giles is hot. Am I�supposed to think that?�

All in all, Iapos;m enjoying it. I�think I would have really liked the show had I watched it with the rest of the world.

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6-day nice rejection from Meg Davis for my novel apos;Ace Timewaster and the Cat from 1,000 Fathoms

"Youapos;re a good writer, and I can see why youapos;ve been meeting with success.� However,�Iapos;m afraid I didnapos;t respond very well to the script.��I think we just have very different sensibilities,�but clearly I wouldnapos;t be a good advocate for it.� Iapos;m so sorry not to have better news, but thanks again for contacting me about it."

In pre-emptive compensation a short story acceptance from Hub magazine a couple of days earlier.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

belfast tourism office

Well.. Today I got laid off.Itrsquo;s disappointing, obviously.In some ways I saw it coming, but in other ways it was a blow.No two weeks notice, just sayonara, your health insurance is cancelled as of midnight.Obviously I have mixed feelings.Irsquo;ll always be grateful to Cision, then Baconrsquo;s for giving me a job when I was so broke and desperate.That being said, it hasnrsquo;t been a great job and over the years, especially the last two or so itrsquo;s gotten worse.I would have to say that middle management never really lsquo;gotrsquo; me.There was very little gratitude or encouragement at any point really.Irsquo;d do things like climb eleven flights of stairs in the old address using a pocket lighter as my only source of light, to carry all the papers down to a coffee store.Buy coffee (which I was not reimbursed for) make up the clips in my own apartment and then fax them the clips from an office store, so that they could keep the clips going out even after 911, and later even during the total blackout, and receive at best a perfunctory thanks and then theyrsquo;d go right back to busting my chops about every little thing, including working for a couple of hours in my socks when my shoes were wet from a surprise rainstorm.But while there were days when I did above and beyond there were other days when I admittedly did just enough to get by.I got the work out, but sometimes worked it around my own schedule so I could do a rehearsal or a show and then go back late at night and finish.I donrsquo;t think they were all that thrilled with that, although they never specificially complained about it.�� Also I used the computers to occasionally do my own writing, and the xerox to copy scripts sometimes.Obviously others did the similar things, but Cision apos;managementapos; made it clear they were not supportive of the arts, and were a LOT more sympathetic to those running off football pools or pictures of their dogs then they were to my creative efforts.I was a bottom rung level apos;supervisorapos; and got a little more money and privileges, but also a LOT more blame when things didnrsquo;t gel, even when clearly it was in no way my fault.I started out doing a job I felt comfortable with, reading newspapers for clips and finding them and cutting them out, something I was very good at.I read very fast and often found more clips than the entire Chicago office by myself.But the job changed and the last few years itrsquo;s been more of a sweatshop, feeding newspapers into large bed scanners, which was nonintellectual hard physical work, which was killing my back and rotator cuffs.And as they always did things in the cheapest possible way, I was always working with inferior equipment, not at maintained, so Irsquo;d have to kluge machine fixes with rubber bands and paperclips and run off things upside down so the machines would do what they were supposed to do.When things got behind, I was the one who got blamed, even though I was the only one really, who would come in on a day off (and I only had one a week) or late at night to finish off some work but clearly no one ever appreciated that, and probably just thought I was weird or pulling something sneaky by doing it.The others in my office, just showed up at the same time every day, did the bare minimum and then went home whether things were done or not.And as at the Bear Stearns job, I guess I should have gotten the message, that thatrsquo;s what they wanted, and I should have probably just did that.Obviously itrsquo;s not fun thinking about looking for work again at my age and having to make at least as much money and probably more, at an entry level job just to pay my bills.On the other hand, Cision obviously was a dead end opportunity, no opportunity for advancement, no one except a few people in low level positions were ever very nice to me, even on the most basic levels and I got tired of that.I also got tired of having every encounter with management be hostile and intimidating, and usually with them busting my chops over EXTREMELY petty things, and of course, giving me a hard time for stuff that everyone was doing, and no one else was getting a hard time for doing.For instance there was literally a television in every cubicle which people could watch, I guess the thinking was, that this was somehow job related, although I donrsquo;t really know why.And yet when I brought in my computer to watch videos while I was feeding pages through the scanner, I was treated like a criminal, and told not to do it.Irsquo;m still trying to figure that one out.I was never given a voice in personnel decisions, management thought nothing of going around me, to reward or rarely punish anyone, and so the employees did as well.All the people who I told my supervisor were not doing their job, kept their job until they finally got so cocky they didnrsquo;t bother showing up for work, or did some spectacular melt down, and that wasnrsquo;t fun.Itrsquo;s hard to manage people when you are consciously stripped of any real power over them.They felt throughout that not only the other people in the department and I were interchangable, but every time they hired someone they not only felt, but proudly told me in many cases, that they were supervisory potential and in a couple of cases almost gave the game away, basically implying I should train them to do my job so they could fire me.I took some compensation out of the fact that these people inevitably showed themselves to be complete incompents, or moody violent loners, but after it happened more than a few times it lost any amusement value.And the last couple of years or so, with cutbacks (they pulled out water coolers and turned off refrigerators and snack machines to save a few cents on energy) there was the constant worry that any moment I could be, like others I knew, laid off as the job continued to be cut back.I hesitated to take vacation time even when my Dad died for fear they would use it as an excuse to terminate me.At the end of the day, all the worry was making it hard to feel anything positive about the job, so I guess I can finally begin making the separation and move on.All that being said, itrsquo;s tough to have things end this way.It could be worse, they could have trumped something up and fired me for cause, although I really donrsquo;t think I gave them any.This way I get a small severance package and unemployment.If I canrsquo;t find something pretty quickly, itrsquo;ll be tough, but hopefully I can get unemployment and wait to really look for other work until the end of the TNC show and then Irsquo;ll have to put on a full court press.Meg D thought I might be able to get something temporary up by her, which would be great, if it works out.Itrsquo;ll be good in some ways not to bave a six day a week job, with split shifts.I had some flexibility for theater work, but was exhausted all the time.If I have to take something that cuts into my theater time, Irsquo;ll have to live with that.Because I wasnrsquo;t making a lot of money I may be able to make as much an hour at a lower level job.Obviously Irsquo;m not thrilled about starting over again - probably at the bottom, but maybe I can find a nicer work environment or temp for a while and maybe have at least a few changes of scenery.Itrsquo;s initially a punch in the gut, but letrsquo;s hope I end up doing something which I enjoy more, or at least feel better about going to each day.

Called the MTA Lost and Found today and my lost black shoulder bag hasnrsquo;t shown up.The landlord called wondering when they could receive my rent check.I said next week (my last official paycheck) and I complained again about no hot water, and they said they would send someone tomorrow.Well, itrsquo;s not like Irsquo;ll be at work.


An obscure Bogart film where he plays the executive of a radio station which in effects ruins a familyrsquo;s lives for ratings.Not a bad story, although from our point of view, not a new one.Hersquo;s good and the mostly little known cast delivers a solid b picture.

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c chumley lana

So I came up to Bendigo on Wednesday for a break from life, just to get away from it all, you know the drill... Last week was a bit full on and I guess in a way I just wanted a bit of time to myself...

Been bushwalking each day and itapos;s nice, despite the fact that I prefer lush green rainforests, the dry australian bush still offers peace and serenity. Angus got to see a few wild kangaroos too which is always good, nan also took him over to the farm next door.

Today I found a top that I started making whilst I was living up here, it was to fit in with the fashion at the time as I was to some extent experimenting with normalcy... Today, I made it as munchkin as munchkin can get and Damn It looks so wonderful Itapos;s now a halterneck hoodie and the hoodie is shaped like a gnomeapos;s and... Everything is off centre... It has so many different patches of different materials... It has pockets which hang off the bottom of it... And ohhhhhhh itapos;s just toooo deliciously munchkin.

By the way, munchkin = my new favourite adjective
...well, I guess it was a while in the making, really.

Back to melbourne tomorrow.
c chumley lana, c chung hua miri sjk, c church e holy trinity.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

circuitos decodificadores

Unless iapos;m reading my friends entries because i broke my i key off my keyboard and not having an i key or a t key can really piss you off and make typing hard. So there you go.

i really donapos;t have any news to write about. I turned 21. I discovered i like cosmos. Bars arenapos;t really my scene yet, they make me feel super weird. I guess iapos;d rather get trashed at home. Iapos;m either an angry, selfish "i want attention" drunk or a loving drunk - both which i hate. So i think iapos;m over being 21 and drinking right now.

iapos;ve completely lost all motivation for my diet because iapos;m sick. So once this plague passes, iapos;m going on the master cleanse (beyonce did it) and gonna start over.

my face has been breaking out weirdly. Itapos;s dry and then not dry and breaks out in tiny pimples and i hate it.

thatapos;s it. Nothing funny or interesting. When something happens, iapos;ll let you know.
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Apparently i forgot chemistry test was due for today but then itapos;s been moved to friday, there is a god ^_^

ahhh since this maths test is out the way i failed it (3 out of 50 hahaha) but again itapos;s hella hard and might drop if Chemistry is still good :)

another drum lesson today.
This new teacher is really good.
more uptight but he definately knows his shit inside out and back to front at the same time and seems to like me more then the gooner also in my group since A. Can actually read a score and know some music theory and B. I listen and seem to know what iapos;m doing.

e.g. Doing four to the floor today ( bass drum hit on each beat) and other guy isnapos;t doing it well.
teacher asks us to show foot warmups.
mine seem to suffice a good but i can tell he likes that i have some :D

really awesome stuff indeedy so all I gotapos;s to do is revise for chemistry and short computing homework ( binary and hexadecimal maths etc) then i can draw some more :D

man 8 days till winrar, so looong
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Well I got the call yesterday saying I got the job and start next Thursday. The pay is amazing and comes with benefits. I moved back to the beach just this past Sunday and have a great friend I am staying with. I am working very hard on my diet and if things are as they seem I have lost a total of 28 pounds so far.

My special one told me this morning a compliment that overwhelmed me with pride and excitement. He stated that he has never seen someone so intent on sticking with a diet as he has seen in person with me. I am so excited by his way of supporting me and always being there for me and complimenting me on goals of weight loss and my future. I could have never imagined or hoped for one such as him in my life.

For my birthday he surprised me with a cigarette lighter that he picked out just for me. He said that anything you touch everyday should have meaning and be of quality. And that no Lady of his was going to use a "cheap ass bic". And out of the blue last night gave me a necklace from Tiffany Co. I can get very emotional with nice things and he seems to be giving me alot of them lately. He tells me to always take care of the luxuries and the rest will take care of themselves. He has shown me and exposed me to and keeps showing me the finer things in life. I love that about him he loves quality and loves to show it to me and helps me enjoy it.

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