вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

away britney i lyric run spear

Ah, well... Hello there.
I decided that it was time to write my first journal entry.
Since itapos;ll be my first one, i will just introduce myself and such

First off, I guess I should say something about myself.
A lot of my likes and such have already been listed, I managed to delete a lot of it though... So I got angry and didnapos;t take the time to come up with exactly everything again. Itapos;s still quite a lot, right?
So, since thatapos;s covered Iapos;ll tell you some more basic things.

My first name is Jonna. I wonapos;t tell you my last name.
I live in Sweden. I wonapos;t tell you exactly where in Sweden.
Oh, and just so you know. Iapos;m not tall and blond. Iapos;m short (I hate to admit that) and have red hair. Blue eyes is something I have though.
Iapos;ve recently turned 17 and I currently study art.
My parents are divorced and I live with my father.

I admire my friends for being able to hang out with me. It must be rather hard on them.
You see, Iapos;m a rather restless person at times.
I talk a lot and donapos;t like being still.
Add to that that I talk about things that no one else of my friends likes.
Video-games, how absolutely dreadful Daniel Craig is as James Bond, how I long for the new Star Trek movie and so on.
Iapos;m a bit of a movie nerd, but not all movies have come to Sweden, so there are probably a lot of movies that you have seen that I havenapos;t.

So, this journal will probably be abut stuff like that, as well as long boring ramblings.
Although, since I study art I might show off some creations of mine.
Also, since I like writing I might show off some off that stuff.

Youapos;ll just have to wait and see.

Oh, and about my current journal layout...
Iapos;ll probably find some custom home-made layout later. I canapos;t do one myself, so Iapos;ll search around.
This was the most fitting already existing.
It makes me thing about James Bond

Thatapos;s it for now.

away britney i lyric run spear, away britney i run, away britney i run spear.

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