вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

chinese christian dating

1. Some reflections (i wrote this last night but didnapos;t actually post it) :
iapos;d forgotten what it feels like after strike. You spend over a month thinking "Oh my god i canapos;t wait to have TIME again" and then you have time and you find yourself sitting in your room thinking "What now?" I think that a show reflects life more for those involved in putting it on than for those who watch it. I think theater reflects life not so much in terms of how much the actors are like "real people" or "feel just like me." Really, theater reflects life in that it is ephemeral. Perhaps we put on shows because the experience of building up and taking down, of bonding and releasing, of letting go of something produced in two months or less, is so much easier to deal with the pain of losing things you spend a lifetime producing. The dissolution of on-stage, "acted" bonds is so much easier to experience than the dissolution of bonds between human beings off the stage. Maybe thatapos;s why I found myself crying over change, over Richard, the Sunday morning of every final performance at WA. Maybe thatapos;s why today I find myself melancholy. Maybe.

2. The state of things
i donapos;t even know how to describe the past four weeks. Theyapos;ve gone by really fast, so much has happened, its been kind of a blur. Iapos;ve come to the realization (after a series of epiphanies) that i really should major in classics. I love my latin class and my professor, who also happens to be my academic advisor. Speaking of classes, all my classes are AMAZING and fun. Ridiculously fun. And my professors are amazing. In the realm of theater, Richard iii went really well, and now iapos;m going to do production manager and publicity sorts of things for Merchant of Venice. My parents and Jbutts were here last weekend to see the show. Next weekend Uncle Gigi and Aunt Terry are coming to take me to lunch. Its been quite a while since Iapos;ve seen them :)

3. My latest obsession
i am in fact quite delighted with various and sundry things. Especially TALE OF TWO CITIES my new musical obsession which i am seeing NEXT WEEK. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

4. My old obsessions
tolkien is still my soul. I got to have the long tolkien-explanation conversation at the light booth (the kind of conversation you get to have once, and only once, and only with people who are into tolkien but not super-read-up on their tolkien, so they ask you a bunch of questions and legitimately care about the answers. Questions like "where did gandalf go when he fell?" and "wait, there are half-elves?" and such. And you get to explain the silm and mention his letters, and in doing so remember all your own theories and ideas regarding the interconnectedness of things in tolkienapos;s world, and rediscover why it is you love it in the first place.)

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